Smiles, Joys And Lotsa Pleasant Surprises ! A paw-fect ecard to make your pals/ loved ones smile !
Wondering whom to invite for your little puppy’s birthday? Anyone you like really, as many doggie guests and their companions as you can comfortably fit into your dog party location. While inviting guest for your doggie, make sure that your doggie knows all of them. Invite dogs that your pooch plays with on a regular basis or friends from your local doggie day care center. Remember this is not the time to introduce a new
dog to your pooch. Be careful about the dogs and puppies you are calling over to attend your darling’s birthday as one wrong attitude might spoil the entire fun. Nothing can spoil a dog party faster than an overly aggressive dog trying to dominate the other canine party guests or small children who may be attending.
If your pooch loves to play, what better way than a free and easy romp in the park with a few of his closest friends? A doggie picnic can be a fun way to spend the afternoon, with lots of Frisbee’s and “go-fetch” toys thrown in for good measure. Make up a picnic hamper of doggie treats and a cake. Take along enough bottled water and bowls, because they will be thirsty with all that running around. Remember to take plenty of doggie “do-do” bags to pick up any small deposit they may make. Don’t forget to take a picnic hamper for you and your friends. Not enough ideas for a perfect bash, is it? Well, I’ll post a few more tips for your little furry friend soon and this time will give you more exciting ideas as to how can you keep these cuties entertained without much effort. In the meanwhile, let me know if you have anything to ask or how you like the ideas!
A Bow Wow Time ! A groovy wish for pals/ loved ones.

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I just planned my son's first birthday party in November ~ it was the first party I've ever thrown on my own. It turned out really well ~ I will be sure to check out some of your ideas to make the second one even better.
Thanks for stopping by my TT! Have a great weekend!
What a fun idea for a blog!
Thanks so much for coming by the SMB and wishing my sis a happy birthday!
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