Hello Guys! Today I’m going to write something on over the hill birthdays. It’s said that life begins at the age of forty when they are half-way through their retirement. It’s a time when people step into a life of relaxation. These people who include our fathers, mothers and sometime grannies have a blessed time for relaxation after leading such a taxing life. So let me provide you some tips for their birthday parties.
Young At Heart ! Brighten your sweetheart's/ friend's/ loved one's 'Over The Hill' B'day with this cute ecard !
Over the Hill Birthday party supplies like paper plates, napkins, and cups are a perfect way to complete an Over the Hill Party Theme. Party decorations like inflatable, and beads adds to the magic of an Over the Hill Birthday party. Over the Hill loot bags tucked in basket can be a centerpiece and double as party prizes. Party favors like masks and glow jewelry will create festive energetic spirit of an Over the Hill Birthday Party Theme. Games and activities are a major part of Over the Hill birthdays. One of the popular games for this party is “Hold the Hands”. Draw 2 lines at the both ends of the playground. The distance between the lines is 15-20m. The teams with equal number of players stand at the first line at both ends of the playground. On the second line in front of each team there stands a little flag. At the signal the first player of each team runs round the flag, returns to his/her team, takes the next player by the hand and they run round the flag together. Then they run to their team, take the third player, then the fourth etc., until they have all the players of their team in the chain. The players mustn't break their chain. The team which finishes the run the first wins.
Over the Hill birthday party costumes include hats, masks, wigs, colored hairspray, costume jewelry, sunglasses, body tattoos, body decorations, costume boas, vests and accessories. A sense of humor required for an Over the Hill party so bring along the laughs and the jokes. Over the Hill Party Favors consist of stickers, tattoos, candy, mini toys, key chains, loot bags, yo-yos, hats, blowouts, sunglasses, jewelry, flags and more. Canes, walkers, and wheelchairs make great decorations for an Over the Hill party. Turn up the hearing aides, blast the music, and have a great time. Over the Hill Piñatas for Over the Hill plus the piñata filler and the blindfold mask and bat to match. Make your event festive with a piñata decoration.
Over The Hill ! A fun Birthday ecard for your o'er the hill friends/ family/ near ones.
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