Hello guys! So what’s up for the weekend? How do you plan to enjoy your birthday this weekend? You must be planning for a great bash with tons of fun activities…so are you done with your invitations? Have you called upon your buddies and other guests? How do you actu7ally invite your fellow members…over the phone? Yeah…we all do that! But you know what…today when I was surfing the net I found that we can even make our invitations a bit funky which would give the invitees a hint as to how much fun a birthday party can be. I came across some invitation patterns today and they really looked pretty cool to me. I don’t know if some of you have ever thought about birthday invitations so intensely but I guess since weekend has arrived, we can take out some time to give our party an exclusive touch. Well, so let me share some invitation pattern that I have collected from net.
A Un-Ending Joyride ! A funny ecard that's gonna make your friend/ colleague/ loved one lol on his/ her special day.
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Every birthday is special and deserves to be celebrated with family and friends. My Gatsby offers birthday party invitations for those over the hill birthdays and every birthday on the way up! Their birthday party invitations are available in easy to print formats and in every color of the rainbow. You can try out some of these milestone birthday as well as theme birthday invitation patters: 1st Birthday Baby Tag Invitations, 1st Birthday Cake Die-Cut Fill-Ins, 40th Birthday Tea Length Topper, 60's Feet Invitations, Around the House Die-Cut Invitations, Ballerina Feet Invitations, Balloons Invitation, Birthday Banner Mini Flats, Birthday Cake Die-Cut, Birthday Celebration Invitations, Birthday Party Pink Invitation, Confetti Border Invitations, Couch Party Invitations, Crown & Wand Tie-Up, Blank or Printed, Crown & Wand Tie-Up, Blank or Printed, Fire Truck Die-Cut Fill-In Invitations, Party Jubilee Invitations, Party Foil Stamped Uptowns, Sports A-6 Fill-In Invitations, Surprise! Jumbo Die-Cut Invitations, Slumber Party Invitations and many more.
If you prepare for a circus themed birthday party, you can design the invitation in this way: A striped blue, light blue, red and white circus tent to be raised for celebration atop a white panel card with rounded corners. The red and white polka dotted band at the base creates a fitting frame for birthday invitations or any circus type event! Unique birthday invitations grab attention and remind the invited to show up for the party. Children can assist in making the invitations, meaning they can participate in more than just the actual party. A puzzle party invitation is definitely a unique idea. The card is made like a puzzle and the recipient must put it together to read the details. What fun for small kids and what a one-of-a-kind idea! When the puzzle invitation arrives in the recipient's mailbox the child will be thrilled and will have a project to accomplish which will make him or her even happier.
Guess you liked the invitation ideas! Even I too liked them a lot as they seem to me quite flashy and smart. You can order them on the net or can visit any shops that sell such fantastic party invitations or even you can prepare them on your own by getting the materials. Choice is yours! You can check out this site for more birthday party invitation ideas.
Young At Heart ! Brighten your sweetheart's/ friend's/ loved one's 'Over The Hill' B'day with this cute ecard !
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